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Weight Management

Weight management is about much more than just calories in versus calories out or exercise routines—it’s a holistic process that involves multiple systems in the body. Factors like sleep quality, stress levels, hormones, and gut health all play pivotal roles in how the body stores or burns fat. For instance, inadequate sleep and high-stress levels increase cortisol, a hormone that can encourage fat storage, especially around the midsection. Hormonal imbalances, such as thyroid dysfunction or insulin resistance, can make it difficult to maintain a healthy weight despite diligent diet and exercise efforts. Additionally, the health of our gut microbiome—the diverse population of bacteria in our digestive system—affects metabolism, hunger signals, and even mood, all of which influence eating habits and weight. Focusing on nutrient-dense foods, managing stress, supporting gut health, and optimizing sleep can help address these underlying factors, making weight management more sustainable and effective in the long run.


Non-pharmaceutical approaches to weight management are less expensive, and can help prevent every other chronic disease while improving quality of life.

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